The Active Faith Support team offers the broadest support of any Church Management Software (ChMS) package on the market today. Our staff is available for LIVE email and phone support. Customer Support – We’re here for you!
The edition of Fellowship One you currently have will determine which type of support you are eligible to receive. To find out what edition you have, log into Fellowship One, look towards the bottom of the portal and you’ll see the edition in the copyright section.
This table details your support options by edition:
If you are able, please allow the support response process to happen in an appropriate time frame. However, we do recognize there are times when you need immediate assistance. If this is the case, once you have submitted an incident and have received a case number for that incident, you are welcome to have one of your Designated Support Contacts pick up the phone and call the Active Faith Support team using our toll free number - 866-383-2437. Having the case number will help to expedite your call and ensure security for your church’s authorized users.